Introduction to the Chuck Spurgeon fact phenomena.

Introduction to the Chuck Spurgeon fact phenomena.

So, you all know who Chuck Noris is. If you don't, do your research. He's the guy who pushes the world down when doing pushups, who strikes fear into the heart of ghosts, and who has counted to infinity twice. These things are facts, and it is every citizen's constant duty to be spreading these facts throughout the world. Also, we get a kick out of it. A roundhouse kick to the face that is.

Enter Charles Haddon Spurgeon, renowned Baptist preacher from London England during the 1800's, a.k.a. Chuck. This man preached hard and long, inspiring throngs of preachers in the ensuing generations. This man was so astounding that he once preached a sermon in his sleep. Yes, in his sleep. His wife took notes and he ended up preaching it that Sunday.

That is just one example of a fact that many people do not know about Chuck Spurgeon. And there are more. Many many more. It is the purpose of this blog to share those facts to the world in the tradition of Chuck Norris facts. It is your job to take and pass them on.

And so, without further ado, we give you: Chuck Spurgeon Facts.


Fact #28

#28 Chuck Spurgeon once had a nightmare. It was too afraid to come back.

Fact #27

#27 Chuck Spurgeon once preached at a missions conference -- in sixteen languages simultaneously.


Fact #26

#26 Some preachers have dared to preach on Leviticus-- Chuck Spurgeon has preached to Leviticus.


Fact #21-25

#21 Every once in a while Obi-Wan feels a great disturbance in the Force -- then he realizes it's Sunday
and Chuck Spurgeon is preaching

#22 Chuck Spurgeon doesn't need to look for Waldo -- he just preaches on the lost being found and Waldo gives himself up.

#23 When Chuck Spurgeon is preaching to the choir, they listen -- intently.

#24 Chuck Spurgeon once played as a goalie in the NHL-- His record? -- no matter how many shots they took at him, everyone was saved.

#25 When Chuck Spurgeon would preach through the book of Jonah, he would do it twice -- once in English and once in Whale.


Fact #16-20

#16 Chuck Spurgeon doesn't climb mountains -- he preaches to them and they move.

#17 When Chuck Spurgeon gets a stomach ache he takes two stone tablets.

#18 Chuck Spurgeon once went to New Zealand -- they banned him from ever coming back because all the sheep started going to church on Sunday.

#19 Chuck Spurgeon once hosted a barbeque -- he soaked the meat in water seven times then called down fire and brimstone.

#20 Chuck Spurgeon once visited McDonalds -- after that, everybody only ordered bread and wine.


Fact #11-15

#11 Did you know that England used to be a part of mainland Europe? Then Chuck Spurgeon preached a sermon and the whole country was moved.

#12 Did you know that at one time the incarceration rate in London was 100% of the population? Chuck Spurgeon had preached a sermon and everyone was convicted.

#13 Chuck Spurgeon once won a race without going anywhere -- he just preached a sermon on how "the first shall be last and the last shall be first."

#14 Chuck Spurgeon walked around the Berlin wall once. Once.

#15 Chuck Spurgeon once joined the KGB. After that the Soviet Union collapsed.

Fact #1-10

#1 Chuck Spurgeon isn't uncomfortable sitting in a pew -- pews are uncomfortable underneath Chuck Spurgeon.

#2 Chuck Spurgeon doesn't shave in the morning -- he preaches a sermon and his beard cleans up its act.

#3 Chuck Spurgeon never washes his clothes -- he baptizes them.

#4 When Chuck Spurgeon was a child he built a tree fort in his back yard -- the next Sunday the whole neighborhood showed up.

#5 Chuck Spurgeon only drinks grape juice for communion -- but it ferments in his mouth.

#6 Chuck Spurgeon doesn't count -- he just preaches from Numbers.

#7 Chuck Spurgeon once preached a sermon using only a paper clip, a shoelace, and two raisins -- everybody was saved.

#8 When Chuck Spurgeon's computer crashed he just preached a sermon -- all his files were saved.

#9 Chuck Spurgeon once met Darth Vader -- he preached a sermon on how God was his father.

#10 Chuck Spurgeon once practiced one of his sermons in a mirror -- everyone behind him was saved.

Introduction to the Chuck Spurgeon fact phenomena.

So, you all know who Chuck Noris is. If you don't, do your research. He the guy who pushes the world down when doing pushups, who strikes fear into the heart of ghosts, and who has counted to infinity twice. These things are facts, and it is every citizen's constant duty to be spreading these facts throughout the world. Also, we get a kick out of it. A roundhouse kick to the face that is.

Enter Charles Haddon Spurgeon, renowned Baptist preacher from London England during the 1800's, a.k.a. Chuck. This man preached hard and long, inspiring throngs of preachers in the ensuing generation. This man was so astounding that he once preached a sermon in his sleep. Yes, in his sleep. His wife took notes and he ended up preaching it that Sunday.

That is just one example of a fact that many people do not know about Chuck Spurgeon. And there are more. Many many more. It is the purpose of this blog to share those facts to the world in the tradition of Chuck Norris facts. It is your job to take pass them on.

And so, without further ado, we give you: Chuck Spurgeon Facts.